5 events found.
2019 Beef and Corn Roast
630 Trinity Road S, Jerseyville, Ontario, Canada4:30 - 5:00 pm corn; Dinner 6:00 pm
Regalia Presentation – R. W. Bro. Mark Kapitan
Hamilton Masonic Centre 4 Queen Street South, Hamilton, ontario, CanadaBEACH LODGE NO. 639 Is pleased to invite you to their meeting on Tuesday September 10th, 2019 Being held at the Scottish Rite Building 4…
Brant No. 663 Installation
Burlington Masonic Temple 459 Brant Street, Burlington, ontario, CanadaDinner 06:30 PM Guests and DDGM received/presented at 07:30 PM Bro. Trevor Shea (Worshipful Master Elect) R. W. Bro. Eric Marshall, Past DDGM will be…
St. John’s No. 40 Installation
Hamilton Masonic Centre 4 Queen Street South, Hamilton, ontario, CanadaRefreshments to follow
Craft Association Meeting
Campbell Masonic Lodge 30 Campbell Ave East, Milton, Ontario, Canada"L" Forms - Reporting and Evaluations R. W. Bro. Michael Locke